customars and Partners

rapid7 products, solutions, and services offerings are governed by the following terms and conditions. Unless you have a signed agreement with Rapid7, following terms and conditions will apply to the product, solution, or service below.

The Rapid7 master terms and conditions consist of The following:

Schedules will be applicable only to the extent the applicable offering is purchased.

Use this chart to determine which Schedules will apply to your purchase:

rapid 7 offering 通用Terms and Conditions schedule a schedule b

managed services 
(e.g. mdr, mvm)

X X  

professional services 
(e.g. pentesting)

X X  

管理Threat Complete


Cloud-hosted and分布式软件
(e.g. IVM, IDR, ICS, Nexpose, Metasploit, Threat Intelligence)

X   X

云Risk Complete

X   X

For purchases of Rapid7 offerings made prior to March 1, 2023, please see our archived terms here